What is Copy Trading and how to make money on it?

What is Copy Trading and how to make money on it?

The growing popularity of social networks in the last decade has contributed to the development of a new area of investing in the financial market - social trading. Many traders began to share their trading strategies and market results in social networks, providing detailed information about their transactions online for a certain fee. Thus, users who have minimal knowledge of the market got an opportunity to earn, using the knowledge and skills of experienced traders.

  1. What is Investizo's Copy Trading service?
  2. How does the copy trading system work?
  3. What does an investor need to know?
  4. How to invest?
  5. Traders and Regional Partners

The basic mechanism of social trading system implementation is copy trading. The copy trading system offers users a wide range of tools for copying trades of successful traders with an opportunity to choose a managing trader, type of transactions and other settings. 

We will take our own example of Investizo's Copy Trading service to see how social trading works in practice.

What is Investizo's Copy Trading service?

"Copy Trading" is a unique service, developed by Investizo team, first, for less experienced market participants, who seek for additional (passive) income on Forex. At the same time, it should be understood that the service structure is implemented in such a way that all participants of the investment process (managing trader, investor, partner/affiliate network) receive a material reward from the investment process.

How does it work?

The company provides its clients with unique trading conditions and high commissions within the framework of affiliate programs. Low spreads, wide range of trading instruments, high-quality quoting (high frequency of quotations), perfect execution of transactions, and also high level of affiliate commission - all this has attracted many experienced professional traders to our platform.

Successful traders are a rare and extremely valuable phenomenon. They have experience, a set of mental qualities such as discipline, self-control, equanimity, calculations and of course outstanding mathematical and analytical abilities. The successful trader deeply understands technical and fundamental analysis, takes into account the influence of macroeconomic statistics on strategy, as well as the geopolitical situation.

In fact, the managing trader provides signals to his investors, transmitting (copying) his positions to investment accounts.

What does an investor need to know?

In order to competently invest your funds, it is necessary to consider a number of simple, but very important points.

First, a potential investor must create a profile on the Investizo platform by registering in the Client's personal cabinet and go through a quick and uncomplicated verification process (FAQ). Then, in the Client Cabinet, go to the "Investments" section, where the list of the most productive and at the same time safe managers of the platform will be presented in the "Recommendations" section. In the same section, the Client can use various filters to select a suitable strategy: "Profit", "Funds under management", "Investors" and so on.

A beginner can make a mistake, designating for himself a large profit as a priority indicator, without having evaluated the strategy and risks. Trader's statistics, presented in "Recommendations", takes into account such parameters as "Risk", "Maximum floating losses", "Maximum deposit load", "Acceptable risks", "Average size of profitable/loss-making deal", "Number of profitable/loss-making orders" and much more.

In more detail, the Client can estimate the managing trader by clicking on any profile presented in the monitoring (the link is possible, for example). Here the Client can study all statistics in figures; read in more detail the coefficients of efficiency, recovery, profit, expected profit; examine the trading indicators on the chart. It is also possible to see what trading tools are used, read the strategy description and recommendations from the managing trader.

Investizo's Copy Trading service

How to invest?

Once the investor has chosen the optimal strategy, inside the profile you should click on the "Invest in trader" button, which is located on the right side of the screen under the avatar. Then enter the amount of investment, choose the type of account (it is better to use the same type as the manager himself), choose the type of copying (FAQ).

Investizo recommends proportional type, as the safest, because in this case the risks of the manager and the investor will be the same, regardless of the volume of transactions.


  • The trader is interested and motivated solely to profit, as Investizo primarily protects the interests of the investor.
  • Investizo pays remuneration to the trader only for the successful management of assets.
  • The amount of remuneration is set by the Trader for all investors.
  • The Trader will NOT receive compensation if he closes profitable trades while leaving unprofitable positions active.
  • The Managing Trader, whose activity led to the loss of investors' funds, will not be allowed to monitor. In the case of complete loss of funds, such a manager will not be able to create a new trader's account again, in the interest of protecting investors' funds.

Traders and Regional Partners

Investizo appreciates talented traders and is ready to provide a full range of support tools to promote your strategy to investors. We can guarantee perfect execution of trades, without delays, slippages and off-quotes under normal market conditions. On investment accounts, all copied trades will be processed at the same price as the investor, which is exceptional for market type trade execution.

The trader himself sets the amount of remuneration for the management of funds. Remuneration is credited to the trader's main account at the beginning of a new trading session and can be withdrawn immediately. Our advantages are also the minimum spreads, no transaction opening fees for some account types, a unique multi-level system of distribution of affiliate commission, in addition to the high affiliate commission, which is also credited daily and is available for quick withdrawal.

In addition, the manager can be a partner of the investor, receiving double remuneration. The company is ready to grant an affiliate status to the managing trader, provide him with a referral link or a personal promo code to connect a new investor in the affiliate network. This approach not only excludes cases of auto-referral (Terms of Use p3,8), but also allows receiving daily profit within the framework of remuneration for successful management and a significant percentage of the volume generated on the accounts of its investors.

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